Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chic Pumpkins for Halloween
I for one do not get all willy nilly about Halloween except to celebrate and make a fuss when it comes to holiday projects with the kids (at my childcare gigs) but when I saw these chic, goth fabulous like pumpkins I froze. "Fabulous pumpkin creations", I thought. Anyway I was blog hopping and feasted my eyes onto the beautiful Halloween crafts on Belle Maison where there is a great article on Halloween Chic (innovative ways to decorate for the Halloween holiday). Obsess over the pic and check the article when time permits.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Creative Birthday...

So my girls (aka BFFs) decide to come up with a creative way to sike me out and cause me to just about poop my pants all at the same time. Good job ladies. It was so much fun and one of the best birthdays I ever received (well my 7th birthday surprise/slumber party my parents organized still tops all) but next to that this one is KING. Please be advised the horse I adopted for the hour of fun was SOMBRERO which = Heart Palpitations to say the least. That damn horse had me in such a frenzy I ordered our guide to get me off at once. This was the funny part to everyone but me (at the time). I was so dramatic and Sombrero was eating it up! Show Off! The horse bucked, galloped, stopped (every other minute), and formed his own trail. He even bit another horse's behind when he was put onto a leash! My kind of stallion! So my girls win creative birthday organizers of the year award for this one. Horse back riding, dinner at Bonefish Grill and great gifts= one happy Diva.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Crazy Yes! Creative...Absolutely!

Folks often ask me how I do it. How the hell am I working 3 jobs, volunteering, and managing school. How is this possible. I get the weird looks and long sighs. People do not focus on the possibilities. A parent at my job #2 asked, but what about days off? "What about them?" I replied. I work a max of 4 hours a day 3 days a week playing with kids. That isn't work to me. I'm getting paid (cash mind you) to have fun! I have a strength that has nothing to do with me alone. My spirituality keeps me balanced. I tried numerous times to balance my life on the solo and failed miserably so I had no choice but to call in for help. The best help around. Funny thing I average the same income I did as an investment rep at a well respected financial company I worked at for around 5 years. Now I can be happy doing what I love and working towards my purpose. That my friends is PRICELESS. I usually have to be at work no earlier than 2:30. That means no early mornings...well only Sundays. I work weekends but have my mornings to myself and can sneak in a matinee at the movies in the middle of the week and shop while everyone else is at work. Sweet. The absolute best, no micro management-no bosses over the shoulder. This ironically leaves lots of time for innovation since I'm rarely stressed out.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Inexpensive But Rich

Finding deals gets me all gushy inside and I just loves a challenge when it comes to shopping for clothing, accessories, and jewelry. Well I had a little soiree to attend last weekend and I also had other financial obligations. Why always around the same time. But hey, who doesn't? I had some Nine West booties I got last year for like $17 bucks (oh yeah they were like $60 something dollars on amazon) see here ...and a top I just grabbed from WalMart $9, a cardigan $16 and leggings $10, a snakeskin clutch (took the gold chain off) I got this on consignment many moons ago (I'm sure it was under $5). The colors are rich which equals Fall trends 2010. This was the final result of my innovations. Being creative with the funds and the fashions is a must. Besides everyone is doing it.
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