Monday, June 21, 2010

My Monday Perspective

When I hear my favorite song "Unthinkable" by my girl Alicia Keys I always think of my relationship with God and my readiness to accept his infinite love wholeheartedly. I'm ready to remain completely vulnerable to him.

 The words easily apply whenever I hear these specific part of the lyrics. "You give me a feeling that I never felt before And I deserve it, I know I deserve it "

Anyway just my take on the song.

Unthinkable lyrics

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Damn Good Father

As Fathers Day comes around again for another year I reflect on the true meaning behind the fundamentals of a man strong enough to be called a father. The birthdays, holidays, screw ups, life changing events, hobbies, failures, accomplishments, and a million other events too many to list here are at the heart of what makes a great father. Either he is or he isn’t. I know there are many sistas out there who long the relationship of a father and daughter. This gives me a sense of appreciation and gratefulness to a higher place for the blessings of having my father in my life. This man has not only ‘been there’ but has been an active participant in my growth as a child to a young lady into a woman.
They say it’s the little things that matter most in your life. I predict that is true. My most fondest birthday was last year when my father handed me a stack of books and sent me on my way after a perfect cup of his morning coffee with amaretto or hazelnut cream and a forehead kiss. Those weren’t any ordinary books. These books were full of culture, life lessons, and would give me a further sense of self. There was even a book included to teach me how to buy a car. (Ironically I would greatly need this book soon enough little did I realize)This all was of course after another one of his famous lectures about life, people, culture, and plain old common sense. These lectures are the best around and no professor could touch my father.
One of the many things my father has always instilled in me was to enjoy whatever it was I chose to do in my life and to be the best at it. He also stressed the importance of one’s knowledge of their culture. In times of adversity I recall past experiences and testimonies from my ancestors and other great minority leaders whose experienced suffering, opposition, and even death at the hands of working to better peoples lives. He has given me one of the greatest possessions I own, my creativity. My father, very artistic with a keen eye for design, art, and photography himself has helped shape the very things that are at the core of my life’s purpose.
For all the Fathers in the world who encourage their daughters to be at their best and utilize their talents for the success of others, may they be appreciated and glorified for the selfless  work they continue to do within us as growing women.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hearted Sex In The City but missing Sistas In The City...

Ok the chick flick Sex In The City was phenomenal. The onset of the film with "Empire State Of Mind" -Jay Z and Alicia Keys blaring through the speakers in the intro was genius and gave you a 'it's on can't wait to see this' sort of feeling right from the get go. But as the movie ended two hours later I couldn't help thinking, dang, why can't we have a Sista movie grace the screen. I mean Living Single and Girlfriends meets the ladies from Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married. I know Terry McMillan has the sequel to Waiting to Exhale coming in the Fall, but what about a sexy, savvy, summer flick starring four black women doing their thang! I mean the sitcoms are cool but I want to see more of us on the big screen together. Could get a kick out of seeing my favorites Angela Bassett (she could play the cougar type), Jada Pinkett Smith (the cultured, no nonsense having sista), Jennifer Hudson (the love struck sweetheart), and Taraji P. Henson (the single mom, finshing school, goal oriented sista). Just a random thought.

images from
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